Kaart Ranglijst

Robert Edward Lee

Robert Edward Lee
Verslagen tegenstanders: 239.179 (199.)
Stam: AFK

Dorpen (16) Coördinaten Punten
001 - Fort Lauderdale
438|442 7.779
002 - Fort Moultrie
440|438 3.541
003 - Fort Sumter
439|442 3.889
004 - Fort Marion
433|443 4.204
005 - Fort Morgan
442|439 3.870
006 - Fort Boonesborough
429|443 3.143
007 - Fort Donelson
438|437 4.098
008 - Fort Smith
429|428 3.093
009 - Fort Gibson
437|439 3.730
010 - Fort Pulaski
440|442 6.161
011 - Fort McHenry
439|443 4.868
012 - Fort Prickett
433|445 4.775
013 - Fort Jackson
436|439 788
014 - Fort Buch | 001
438|436 7.636
015 - Fort Buch | 002
438|435 4.365
016 - Fort Buch | 004
436|436 4.005
Persoonlijke tekst
“It is easier to make our wishes conform to our means than to make our means conform to our wishes.”